Neither persecution nor knowing that a person can be punished for a public expression of their affection had stopped the minority-oriented people from finding “their own people”. This sometimes resulted in purely sexual relations, especially in parks or hidden places, but the needs and desires of these people were the same as anyone else’s. They were looking for love, companionship and friendship as well as places where they could feel good and be authentic for a while. These places often included the closed "home salons" for guests and a small group of people who already knew and trusted each other, or cafes, restaurants and bars, some of which provided gays and lesbians with a private space for undisturbed conversations and entertainment.


VM: Kášena
JK: He was a painter, I called him “the King of the Underworld”. He had a studio at Anna Letenská street, we were regulars there. I loved him, it literally saved my life because it was only there that I could be myself. Plus, great people went there, one would learn lots of things there. Květa Fialová, Jiřina Bohdalová, Karolínka Slunéčková, Hapka and his beautiful wife, gosh, I would drool over her! But I can’t remember at all that girls would gather anywhere. I knew about that Šroubek – a café in the Europa hotel – Jalta, the Tee.
VM: In that Šroubek’s place, people would sit in the gallery, we called that “the Holy Gallery”.
JK: People who didn’t have to worry about who will say what about that, could do anything they wanted, and they went right there. But nobody really had a community, nope. Only that pub, but with the risk – which is why I only went there rarely – that secret policemen could be hiding behind the corner.
VM: And there were lists of homosexuals, they had everyone there.
JK: But if we’re talking about community – or a group of people where I could be myself – then definitely Karel Laštovka and his company. And our girls went there for sure, it flourished there.
VM: Then there were places where they organised various parties – at [Mr] Frágner’s, for example. Those were more like crazy balls.
JK: We used to say: “We’re going to the Frágner Girl’s place.”