Only a hundred years ago, homosexuals in the American state of North Carolina would be hanged. The Puritan worldview was so hostile against them that a homosexual caught in the act could be sure that he would be lynched. The reasons for this strong hatred of the old American settlers was understandable. The United States were quite sparsely populated at that time and homosexuals were seen as a force that was further negatively influencing this phenomenon. Just a couple of years ago, the courts in North Carolina would sentence homosexuals to 20 to 30 years of imprisonment. IN other states of the Union, they would not be so strict toward them; however, the curt decisions were very far from decriminalisation or mercy. In the recent years, though, the USA has altered its course from the original “antihomosexual” stance. Even without these “unproductive” people, the United States have reached a population of 200 million inhabitants. American society now tolerates homosexual artists and writers in society. New York-based theatre producer David Merrick has recently stated that in Hollywood itself, there are so many homosexuals that one could scratch them off the blanket [sic].
Homosexuals with their domicile in the United States ARE NOW ORGANISED. They associate in over twelve major organisations, the largest of which is called “Society for Individual Rights” (SIR), headquartered in San Francisco. Its members, who are naturally all male, dance together in club rooms, play bowling, go camping in the woods and all of them have an obligatory doctor’s statement that they have no sexually transmitted disease. The president of the SIR organisation, Mr William Beardemphl, claims that homosexuals “need a place where they can meet as people and not as sexual objects.” American weekly magazine TIME has called the mass movement of the “gay world” – as they call it in the homosexual jargon – a “new phenomenon” whose existence met with great surprise amongst the Americans.
Do not seem to be a source of worry for homosexual
associations. They sign up by themselves, voluntarily, because
the club rooms [illegible text] ...analytic, Dr. Irving Bieber, has
found out that there are currently 1.2 million homosexuals living
in the United States. His Californian colleague, Dr. Judd
Marmor, claims that there are over 4 million men in the U.S.
who are attracted to their own sex more than to women.
mainly by the fact that homosexuals are relatively numerous
among civic servants, politicians and, to an increased extent, in
the army. During a police raid in Washington, Water Jenkins, a
personal friend and national security advisor to President
Johnson, was caught with a young man in men’s bathrooms.
After the scandal, Jenkins had to resign from his position at the
White House. In the same year (1965), Washington PD discovered
28 homosexuals who held higher and top positions at the
Foreign Office. The whole “homosexual club” had to leave the
ministry at once.
Homosexual inclinations of Americans are predominantly misused by gangsters, who THREATEN THESE PEOPLE.
The Attorney General of the State of New York has recently announced that in the past 10 years, a group of gangsters forced about ten thousand New York citizens with homosexual inclinations, including two university deans, to pay a total of six million dollars as a ransom for their silence. In Chicago only, thirteen men were murdered last year, with homosexuals killing their “lovers” who wanted to threaten them. In the U.S., there are illustrated magazines of homosexuals showing naked young men, offering matching services for homosexuals, publish ads for wigs, fragrances, make up and so on. These... [part of the text is missing] cities, homosexuals occupy whole blocks and neighbourhoods which they call “Boys Town”. In these neighbourhoods, they go to restaurants, dance in clubs and drink in bars patronised only by men of the same orientation.
A. P.